Sinking in misery
I curl around her
Arm around waist
Holding hands
Feet warming the other's
We eat the silence
Embracing essence.
Crying in silence
Loving her
Wishing for better
For less heartbreak
Greater kindness
For her.
Breathing in hair
The hair
Smelling like mine
Our colors blending
The eyes matching
Noses just alike.
Hearts different
Yet seeing
Just knowing
I don't wish
Her heart
To understand
The pain of mine.
She and I
Her so sweet
Already begging
To understand
Pain shouldn't be
I don't want tears
For they shatter
They speak of things
She is to beautiful
To see
To feel
To crack from
To mend up.
Chin on shoulder
Knees tangled
Listening to breath
Feeling her breath
We inhale together
And I know
What it is
To be "sister"
Poem 224 ~ 4/5/2015